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How to Use Free Spam Checker to Improve Email Deliverability

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    Ever questioned whether, after sending, your email landed up in the spam folder? Fortunately, there’s an easy way to check this with a spam test. It’s easy for your message to be overlooked in the intricate world of email marketing, where billions of emails are produced each day.

    A startling 45% of all emails are deemed spam, according to recent statistics. This phenomena not only ruins communication but also makes digital marketing efforts less successful. We shall go further into the realm of email deliverability in this article. We’ll cover vital ground including the effects of spam filters, how they might affect the path of your email, and—above all—a detailed tutorial on how to perform spam testing. You will have every tool you need by the time this article ends to make sure your emails wind up in the inbox and not the spam folder.

    Understanding email spam checkers

    Essential resources for determining if your emails will likely wind up in the spam folder are email spam checkers. They function by evaluating your emails against a number of standards that are similar to those employed by spam filters of email providers. These standards might include the content of the email examined, particular trigger phrases present, or the sender’s reputation. Your emails’ chances of getting into the mailbox of your receiver are increased when you follow best practices for email deliverability.

    The importance of checking spam emails

    For every company, having emails end up in the spam folder can have disastrous results. Mostly, it affects the efficacy of marketing and communication efforts by resulting in less exposure and interaction with prospective clients or customers. When a company consistently ends up in spam, email service providers may blacklist it, which can damage its reputation. Furthermore, it can lead to large financial losses because of lost chances when communications meant to produce leads or sales are overlooked. Keeping up efficient corporate communications and marketing initiatives requires knowing where your emails go up.

    The evolution of spam checkers and their role in email deliverability

    Traditionally, spam checkers have scanned emails looking for typical spam triggers, like terms or phrases that email providers frequently report. But the possibilities for affecting email delivery go beyond what these traditional spam checkers can do.

    Much deeper are sophisticated spam checkers, sometimes known as email deliverability testing. These programs evaluate email deliverability generally across several providers in addition to looking for spam triggers. They offer thorough analysis that indicate if your domain is old enough to be trusted, if your IP or domain is included on any blacklists, and if authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are having problems.

    We will examine in detail the spam checker on Warmy.io, which is a perfect illustration of this sophisticated technology. We will talk about how to utilize it well and understand the rich data it offers, enabling a more strategic approach to raising email deliverability. In order to show how important these technologies are to effective email marketing tactics, this section attempts to close the gap between conventional spam monitoring and contemporary deliverability improvements.

    Introduction to Warmy.io’s spam checker

    Warmy.io is a complex technology made to improve email delivery. It surpasses conventional spam detectors in that it offers a comprehensive study of email deliverability across different providers in addition to screening for typical spam triggers.

    Here’s what Warmy.io’s spam checker examines:

    • Spam Triggers. Checks emails for common spam keywords and formatting errors.
    • Email Deliverability. Assesses how emails perform across different email providers.
    • Domain Age: Verifies if the domain age is sufficient to be considered trustworthy.
    • Blacklist Status. Checks if the IP or domain is listed on any spam blacklists.
    • Authentication Protocols. Ensures protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are present and correctly set up.
    • Comprehensive Analysis. Provides detailed feedback on aspects that could affect email deliverability.

    How to Use Warmy.io’s Spam Checker

    Step 1. Copy Email Addresses

    Start by copying a list of provided email addresses. Most email clients allow you to separate these addresses with a comma.

    Step 2. Compose and Send Your Email

    Paste the copied email addresses into the “To:” section of your email client. Type your message and click the “Send” button.

    Step 3. Check Email Deliverability

    After sending the email, return to Warmy.io and click the “Check Email Deliverability” button to initiate the analysis.

    Analyzing the spam checker results

    spam checker

    Warmy.io’s email deliverability test enhances your understanding of how your emails perform across various platforms. With just a simple click, Warmy.io dispatches a personalized email on your behalf to 43 distinct mailboxes, each not part of their warm-up network. To view your results, you can access the Email Deliverability Test section located at the bottom of your mailbox dashboard. The service includes a wide range of email providers, such as Gmail, G Suite, Outlook, MS 365, Yahoo, iCloud, Zoho, Zoho PRO, and SMTP.

    Deliverability Score

    email deliverability test

    Check the score indicating the likelihood of your emails reaching the inbox. Higher scores reflect better deliverability.

    Understanding Email Delivery Statuses

    inbox plasment test

    Warmy.io’s email spam checker will provide you with detailed insights on where your messages are ending up for each email provider. The results are categorized into three different statuses:

    • Inbox. Indicates that your message has successfully landed in the recipient’s inbox.
    • Spam. Shows that the message was directed to the spam folder.
    • Unreceived. Points to an issue either in sending the email or in the detection of its delivery status.

    These statuses help you pinpoint exactly how your emails are being processed, allowing you to make necessary adjustments.

    In Warmy.io’s platform, you can access detailed information about each checker that processed your email by expanding the providers list. This includes:

    • Checker’s Email Address. Shows which addresses were used for testing.
    • Email Landing. Indicates whether the email landed in the inbox, spam, or was unreceived.
    • Delivery Time. Reports how long it took for the email to be delivered.
    • Sending IP. Displays the IP address from which the email was sent.
    • Spam Analysis. Notes whether SpamAssassin marked the email as spam based on its content.

    Monitoring Blacklist Status

    IP Blacklists

    You can check if the IP address from which your emails are sent is listed on any blacklists. If you’re using shared servers, like Gmail or Outlook, it’s possible to find your IP blacklisted. This situation is common since these servers are shared by numerous users, some of whom might negatively affect the server’s reputation. However, being on a blacklist doesn’t necessarily impact your email deliverability significantly when using these large shared servers.

    Related – How to remove an IP from the blacklist.

    ip blacklist check

    Domain Blacklists

    You can also verify whether your domain has been marked on any blacklists. It’s not uncommon for domains, especially new ones or those on shared servers like Gmail or Outlook, to appear on blacklists temporarily. If you see your domain listed, there’s often no immediate cause for concern, as this may not significantly impact your overall email deliverability.

    domain blacklist

    Ensuring Sender Authentication with DNS Records

    email autentification

    Warmy.io helps you review your DNS records such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to ensure proper sender authentication. If you discover that any of these crucial records are missing, it’s important to add them through your domain control panel to enhance email security and deliverability. Warmy.io facilitates this process by offering free tools, including a SPF Record Generator and a DMARC Record Generator, making it easier for you to secure and authenticate your email communications.

    Related – Why Do You Need to Configure SPF, DKIM, DMARC and How To Set Them


    Taking action based on feedback

    After evaluating the results from your email deliverability test, you can take several proactive steps to enhance your email performance:

    1. Utilize Email Warm-Up Services. Services like Warmy.io can help “warm up” your email address, gradually building its reputation by sending and receiving emails that engage positively with various providers.
    2. Adjust Email Content. If your emails are frequently landing in spam, consider revising your content. Avoid spam-trigger words, ensure clear and professional language, and maintain a balanced text-to-image ratio.
    3. Improve Email Design. Simplify your email design to be clean and accessible, avoiding overly complex layouts that might trigger spam filters.

    4. Enhance Sender Reputation. Consistently use authenticated email practices by maintaining updated SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. Regular checks for blacklisting and taking corrective actions if necessary are also vital.

    Related – Useful email content. Examples.


    To be sure your emails get to the right people and don’t wind up in the spam bin, use an email spam checker. Frequent use of services such as the spam checker on Warmy.io can give you useful input that raises the deliverability of your emails. By keeping up good email habits and modifying as needed in response to test feedback, you may improve your email marketing and guarantee regular contact with your audience. For best deliverability and interaction, maintain the health of your email.

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    What is a spam checker?

    To assist avoid your emails being filtered into spam folders, a spam checker assesses the likelihood that email servers will flag them as spam.

    How does an email spam checker work?

    An email spam checker looks through your emails for typical triggers—phrases, too many links, and formatting problems—that email providers know could flag an email as spam.

    Why should I use an email spam checker?

    Your email deliverability rates can be much increased by using an email spam checker, which will guarantee that your messages reach your audience's inbox rather than ending up in spam folders.

    Can a spam checker guarantee my emails won’t be marked as spam?

    Although spam checkers significantly lower the possibility that your emails will be reported as spam, email provider algorithms are always evolving, hence they are unable to guarantee this.

    How often should I use a spam checker?

    Using a spam checker on a regular basis is recommended, particularly ahead to starting large email campaigns, to guarantee continuous adherence to standard practices and to preserve high delivery.

    What are the best free spam checkers?

    One of the best free spam checkers available is Warmy.io's email deliverability test. It provides a comprehensive analysis of where your emails are landing across various email providers and gives valuable feedback on domain and IP blacklisting, as well as suggestions for improving your email delivery.

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