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Brevo deliverability: Best Practices and Tools

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    Is your email marketing strategy missing its mark? Success in the digital market of today is mostly dependent on good communication, hence email deliverability is more important than it ever. Still, not every platform guarantees that your message gets to the inbox equally. Now enter Brevo, a major participant in the email service market known for its extensive capabilities and wide customer base.

    We explore in this post the important element of email deliverability in Brevo, which is a fundamental determinant of the effectiveness of any email marketing effort. We will look at the several factors influencing deliverability rates and offer doable advice and fixes to improve your email performance.

    What does "Deliverability" really mean?

    Brevo Deliverability

    In the context of Brevo’s offerings, deliverability is the capacity of an email to effectively get to the recipient’s inbox. This entails not only emailing but also making sure your message avoids being diverted, blocked, or delayed by other electronic gatekeepers including spam filters.

    How is Deliverability Measured?

    Measuring deliverability involves several key metrics:

    • Delivery Rate. The proportion of emails the recipient’s email servers successfully accept.
    • Bounce Rate. The percentage of emails that might not be delivered, classified as either “soft” (temporary problems, such a full inbox) or “hard” (permanent reasons include incorrect addresses).
    • Common yet occasionally deceptive statistic, open rate gauges the real email opening count. But it can be erroneous for technical reasons like picture blocking that stop the tracking pixel from firing.
    • Click-through data Rate. This counts not just the number of persons who opened the email but also interacted with the material by clicking on links supplied.

    For consumers of Brevo’s services as well as for any company using email marketing, precise deliverability measurements are absolutely crucial. They let the sender know how successful their email campaigns are and point up areas needing work. These indicators are not only numbers for companies; they also reflect possible sales, user interaction, and finally the state and prosperity of the company. Inaccurate measures, including inflated open rates, might result in ill-informed policies neglecting fundamental problems, so wasting time and money.

    Why aren’t your emails reaching their destination?

    Deliverability problems can result from a complicated network of elements, each capable of seriously compromising the efficacy of your email marketing campaigns. The main problems likely influencing Brevo’s deliverability rates are broken out here:

    1. Technical Issues

    • Server Reliability and Downtime. Server reliability is a crucial factor in email deliverability for any email service provider, including Brevo. Optimal server performance ensures that emails are sent promptly and consistently. While occasional maintenance or unforeseen technical issues can affect any platform, Brevo, like other reputable email service providers, strives to maintain high uptime and reliability.
    • Integration or API Errors. Faulty integrations or API mishaps can lead to failed transmissions or incorrectly formatted emails, which are less likely to be successfully delivered.

    Related – Email API. Power up your product with Warmy API.

    2. Email Practices

    • Poor List Management and Unclean Data. Keeping an outdated or poorly managed email list with incorrect or obsolete email addresses leads to high bounce rates, which in turn damages your sender reputation.
    • High Bounce Rates Due to Invalid Addresses. Sending to non-existent email addresses is a direct path to high bounce rates, prompting email providers to mark these as problematic, further affecting deliverability.

    Related – 6 Must-Have Email List Scrubbing Tools for Spotless List Hygiene in 2023

    3. Content Related Issues

    • Emails Flagged as Spam. If the content of emails triggers spam filters—due to the use of certain keywords, formatting styles, or other characteristics—those emails will not reach the inbox.
    • Lack of Personalization and Poor Targeting. Generic, impersonal emails are more likely to be ignored, or worse, marked as spam by recipients. This not only affects open rates but also long-term deliverability as engagement metrics decline.

    Related – Useful email content. Examples.

    4. Reputation Damage

    • Impact of Blacklisting. Being placed on a blacklist is one of the most severe consequences of poor email practices. It can happen due to high spam complaints, association with other blacklisted senders, or consistent sending to invalid email addresses.
    • Previous Incidents Affecting Reputation. Any prior issues that have negatively impacted Brevo’s reputation can have lingering effects on deliverability. Recovery from such incidents requires time and a proactive approach to rebuilding trust with email service providers and recipients.

    Related – How to remove an IP from the blacklist.

    Strategies for improvement: elevating Brevo's email deliverability

    Focusing on technical improvements, best practices in email management, content development, and reputation management, improving email deliverability calls for a multifarious approach. 

    Technical Enhancements

    • Investing in premium, dependable server infrastructure can help to reduce downtime and speed up email delivery, therefore enhancing deliverability rates.
    • By means of improved error handling and more strong integration capabilities, API stability and error handling may be improved, so ensuring that emails are sent as intended and received as expected, so lowering the delivery risk.

    Best Practices in Email Campaigns

    • Periodically cleaning email lists helps to maintain a good sender reputation by removing inactive members and erroneous email addresses, hence lowering bounce rates.
    • Using segmentation and personalization will help emails to particular audience members be much more engaging. Personalizing content to fit recipients’ interests and behavior increases the possibility of emails being opened and interacted with, going beyond just name addressing.

    Content Optimization

    • Using language that avoids typical spam triggers, guarantees HTML is clean and error-free, and maintains a balanced text-to image ratio helps to avoid emails from being flagged as spam.
    • Techniques for Including Relevant Content. Producing interesting, worthwhile material that appeals to the audience not only increases involvement but also motivates receivers to eagerly search for and expect the emails, therefore enhancing open rates and general deliverability.
      Managers of Reputation

    Reputation Management

    • Blacklist Avoidance or Removal Strategies. Essential is proactive management of email sending policies to prevent actions that result in blacklisting, such sending too many emails too quickly or to many incorrect addresses. Should blacklisted, it is imperative to act quickly to resolve the causes of blacklisting and notify the listing agencies in order to have removed.
    • Creating a strong sending reputation requires regularly providing excellent, interesting material for which users respond favorably. Maintaining compliance with email authentication guidelines such SPF, DKIM, and DMARC will also help to confirm a good name with email providers.

    Related – Navigating Brevo SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: Protecting Your Email

    warmy dashboard

    One promising solution is the utilization of email warm-up services like Warmy.io. This platform is designed specifically to help users improve the likelihood that their emails will reach their intended inboxes by gradually increasing the sender’s reputation.

    Warmy.io serves a crucial role in any email marketing strategy by systematically sending emails from new or underutilized email accounts to its network, ensuring that these interactions appear natural and gradually improving the account’s sending reputation. This process is essential for avoiding spam filters and increasing overall email deliverability.

    Advantages of Using Email Warm-up Services

    • Boosts Sender Reputation. Gradually warms up email accounts to build trust with email service providers, reducing the likelihood of being marked as spam.
    • Enhances Email Deliverability. By improving sender reputation, more emails land in the inbox instead of the spam folder, thus increasing the effectiveness of email campaigns.
    • Prevents Blacklisting. Regular, natural-looking email activity can prevent sudden spikes in activity that often lead to blacklisting.

    To demonstrate the efficacy of their service and allow potential users to gauge the improvements firsthand, Warmy.io offers a 7-day free trial. This trial period is an excellent opportunity for Brevo users to test out how the service can enhance their email deliverability without any initial investment.

    Free Tools Offered by Warmy.io

    Free Email Deliverability Test

    This tool allows users to check if their emails are likely to hit the inbox or get stuck in spam filters, providing immediate feedback on potential improvements.

    SPF and DMARC Record Generator

    These tools help users set up essential email authentication measures that further improve deliverability and protect against spoofing.


    By integrating Warmy.io into its email strategy, Brevo can take proactive steps to ensure its communications not only reach their destination but also engage customers effectively. This can lead to improved campaign performance, better customer interactions, and ultimately, a stronger return on investment from email marketing efforts.


    Throughout this article, we’ve explored the various factors that can impact email deliverability in Brevo campaigns, from technical considerations and email practices to content optimization and sender reputation management.

    While Brevo provides a solid foundation for email marketing success, complementary tools can further enhance your deliverability rates. One such tool is Warmy.io, which specializes in warming up email accounts to boost deliverability. With its 7-day free trial and additional features like SPF and DMARC Record Generators and a free email deliverability test, Warmy.io can be a valuable resource in your email marketing toolkit.

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    What is Brevo deliverability?

    Brevo deliverability refers to the ability of emails sent via the Brevo platform to successfully reach the intended recipients' inboxes, avoiding spam folders and other delivery barriers.

    Why are my Brevo deliverability rates low?

    Low Brevo deliverability rates can be due to a variety of factors including poor email list hygiene, technical issues with server reliability, content that triggers spam filters, or damage to your sender's reputation.

    How can I improve Brevo deliverability for my email campaigns?

    Improving Brevo deliverability involves several strategies such as upgrading server infrastructure, ensuring accurate API integrations, regularly cleaning your email lists, segmenting your audience, personalizing your content, and managing your sender reputation effectively.

    Can using tools like Warmy.io enhance Brevo deliverability?

    Yes, using email warm-up tools like Warmy.io can significantly enhance Brevo deliverability. These tools help improve your sender reputation and ensure your emails are more likely to reach the inbox.

    What are the benefits of using SPF and DMARC with Brevo?

    Implementing Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) records can help protect your email content and sender reputation, reducing the risk of spoofing and phishing, which in turn improves Brevo deliverability.

    What should I do if my Brevo emails are being marked as spam?

    If your Brevo emails are frequently ending up in spam, review your email content for spam triggers, ensure compliance with email marketing laws, improve your list management practices, and consider consulting with a deliverability expert to address specific issues.

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