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ConvertKit deliverability: Best Practices and Tools

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    Popular in this field, ConvertKit is well-known for its easy-to-use interface and attention to creator needs.

    Maximizing the influence of your marketing activities depends on an awareness of email deliverability. Industry benchmarks point to a decent email delivery rate of about 95%. Any email service provider or user can find it difficult to reach and sustain such high rates, though, given the complexity of email infrastructure and often changing spam filters.

    We will discuss the elements influencing email deliverability in ConvertKit in this article together with techniques to maximize your reach. Whether your deliverability is causing problems or you just want to raise your present performance, we will explore best practices and strategies to make sure your messages regularly get in the inboxes of your subscribers.

    What is email deliverability?

    In email marketing, email deliverability is a key indicator of how likely your emails will find their way to the recipient’s inbox instead of being filtered off or rejected by mail servers. Its significance is impossible to overestimate; after all, if an email never gets seen, even the most interesting one is useless.

    Several important elements determine whether your email lands in the abyss or reaches the inbox. First, there’s the sender’s reputation – your history of delivering emails users interact with favorably. Internet service providers (ISPs) monitor this closely; a bad reputation can destroy your communications.

    Also very important is the substance of your emails. Sophisticated algorithms meant to guard consumers from unwelcome mail routinely block emails that seem spammy, whether from their text or too aggressive subject lines.

    Participation from recipients affects deliverability even more. ISPs track how users interact with your emails – if they often open, respond to, or designate your emails as critical, your deliverability increases. On the other hand, your sender reputation may suffer if your emails are routinely deleted without being viewed, worse still, labeled as spam.

    Finally, one cannot overlook technological settings. Correct setup of your email infrastructure – that is, setting up appropriate SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records – helps confirm your identity as a sender and guarantees ISPs are more likely to believe your emails.

    Analyzing ConvertKit's deliverability

    ConvertKit deliverability

    Email deliverability is a multifaceted issue that can be influenced by various factors, including sender reputation, content quality, audience engagement, and technical settings. It’s important to note that industry standards typically aim for deliverability rates of 95% or higher, but achieving and maintaining such rates requires ongoing effort from both the service provider and the users.

    It’s crucial to remember that email deliverability can be impacted by factors beyond the control of any single platform, such as ISP policies and recipient behavior.

    If you’re experiencing persistent deliverability issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to ConvertKit’s support team. They can provide personalized guidance and help identify any specific factors affecting your email performance.

    Technical сhallenges

    IP Reputation and Its Management

    Should even a few users adopt bad sending habits, the IP addresses from which ConvertKit emails could become contaminated. For all users sharing those IPs, this can significantly impact the deliverability since ISPs may blacklist or deprioritize these addresses depending on their overall reputation.

    Related – How to remove an IP from the blacklist.

    SPF and DKIM Settings

    These are vital email authentication techniques – Sender Policy Framework and DomainKeys Identified Mail, respectively – that enable one to confirm that the emails delivered are indeed from the specified domains and not spoofed. SPF and DKIM Settings Bad setups of these settings could cause the recipient’s email server to reject emails or mark them as spam. ConvertKit offers set instructions, however improper user application can cause deliverability problems.

    Related – A Step-by-Step Guide to ConvertKit SPF, DKIM, and DMARC Setup

    Frequency and Volume of Emails

    Deliverability can be affected by email frequency and volume as well as by their pace of arrival. Particularly if receiver involvement is modest, high numbers or frequent transmissions can set spam filters off. Maintaining subscriber interest depends on juggling the frequency and number of emails to prevent being labeled as spam.

    Handling Bounces and Spam Complaints

    ConvertKit features systems to monitor and handle email bounces and spam concerns. The technology automatically deletes email addresses that regularly bounce, therefore lowering the possibility of future email blockings. ConvertKit also works in feedback loops with big ISPs, which lets them get alerts when a recipient tags an email as spam, therefore enabling them to react and modify their plans to increase deliverability.

    User practices contributing to low deliverability

    Although email deliverability is mostly dependent on technological factors, user behavior greatly affects how successfully emails find their intended recipients. ConvertKit users often make these frequent errors that could compromise email deliverability:

    Poor List Hygiene Practices

    Maintaining a clean email list is absolutely vital, yet sometimes disregarded. Those that neglect to routinely clean their lists could find themselves emailing inactive or invalid addresses, hence raising bounce rates and compromising sender reputation. Deliverability can be greatly enhanced by routinely deleting unengaged members, erroneous email addresses, and opt-out users.

    Related – 6 Must-Have Email List Scrubbing Tools for Spotless List Hygiene in 2023

    High Frequency of Emails

    Sending too many emails might cause user fatigue, in which case receivers feel overwhelmed by the volume of communications they receive. Higher unsubscribed rates and more spam complaints – both of which compromise deliverability – usually follow from this. Maintaining subscribers’ interest without overloading them depends on striking the proper mix in email frequency.

    Ineffective Segmentation and Personalization

    Generic, one-size-fits-all emails are less likely to interact with recipients depending on ineffective segmentation and personalizing. ConvertKit offers strong options for segmentation and personalizing, however poor use of these capabilities may result in reduced open and involvement rates. Customizing emails to fit the particular requirements and interests of various subscriber groups can greatly increase involvement and, hence, deliverability.

    Evaluating the accuracy of ConvertKit's metrics

    In email marketing, the success of campaigns is often measured using key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates. These metrics provide insights into how effectively an email reaches and engages its audience. However, the accuracy of these metrics, particularly within platforms like ConvertKit, can be subject to various influencing factors.

    Reliability of Email Metrics

    ConvertKit, like many email service providers, measures open rates by embedding a tiny, invisible image in each email, which, when loaded by the recipient’s email client, signals an ‘open’. However, this method faces challenges:

    • Impact of Email Blockers and Privacy Settings. Modern email clients and dedicated email blockers can prevent the loading of tracking pixels, leading to underreported open rates. Additionally, privacy-focused updates like those in Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection allow users to block this tracking, causing further discrepancies in open rate data.
    • Potential Discrepancies in Reporting. There might be discrepancies due to technical issues like delays in data processing or errors in tracking pixel implementation. Such discrepancies can skew metrics, providing either an overly optimistic or pessimistic view of campaign performance.
    • Comparative Analysis with Industry Benchmarks. When ConvertKit’s reported metrics are compared with industry benchmarks, deviations can be noticed. These deviations might arise from the unique demographic or behavior of ConvertKit’s user base, or from systemic measurement errors within ConvertKit’s tracking methods.

    Challenges in Data Collection and Reporting

    • ConvertKit and other platforms often face challenges in accurately collecting and reporting data due to the dynamic nature of email technologies and user behaviors. Changes in technology, updates in privacy laws, and varying email client behaviors can all impact how data is collected and interpreted.
    • Misconfigurations in campaign settings or issues in the segmentation of audiences can also lead to inaccuracies in reported metrics, affecting decisions based on these numbers.

    Related – The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Improve Domain Reputation

    ConvertKit’s Infrastructure and Policies

    ConvertKit’s capabilities and reputation as an email marketing tool are not only shaped by its features but also by its underlying infrastructure and the policies it enforces to maintain quality and compliance among its users.

    Email Sending Infrastructure

    ConvertKit utilizes a robust infrastructure designed to handle the large volume and frequency of emails that its users send. This infrastructure includes:

    • Multiple Dedicated IP Addresses. ConvertKit manages a range of IP addresses to distribute the sending load. This segmentation helps in isolating reputational issues and ensures that the behavior of one set of users doesn’t impact the deliverability of others.
    • Integration with Major ISPs. ConvertKit works closely with major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to ensure emails are optimized for delivery. This includes regular updates to align with changing ISP requirements and using feedback loops to respond to issues like spam complaints.
    • Advanced Email Delivery Systems. The platform employs sophisticated algorithms to optimize send times and to pace the delivery of emails. This helps in avoiding sudden surges that might trigger spam filters and ensures a steady flow of communications.

    Improving deliverability with ConvertKit

    Regular List Cleaning and Maintenance

    Maintaining a good sender reputation depends on keeping an email list free from mistakes. Users of ConvertKit should routinely remove inactive subscribers, fix or delete undeliverable email addresses, and segment lists depending on subscriber involvement. This increases general deliverability while lowering bounce rates.

    Strategies for Improving Recipient Engagement

    ISPs evaluate this important statistic closely while deciding whether to categorize emails as spam. ConversionKit users can increase involvement by:

    • Providing focused material catered to the requirements and interests of the audience.
    • Using the recipient’s name or customizing materials depending on past interactions helps to personalize emails to boost relevancy.
    • Optimizing send timings to when subscribers are most likely to read their emails, which ConvertKit may help ascertain by means of statistics.

    Tips on Optimizing Email Content to Avoid Spam Filters

    • Steer clear of employing too aggressive words connected with spam, such “buy now,” “free,” “guarantee,” etc.
    • Emails heavy on images may be identified by spam filters so make sure they are well-designed, balancing text and images suitably.
    • Not simply a great practice but often a legal obligation in many countries is a clear, simple-to-use unsubscribed link.
    warmy dashboard

    Using an email warm-up tool like Warmy.io will help you if you find difficulties with email deliverability. This utility is meant to enable users guarantee their emails reach their targeted inboxes and enhance their sender reputation.

    Warmy.io serves as a proactive tool to enhance email deliverability. By systematically sending emails from your account to its network and ensuring those emails are interacted with positively, Warmy.io helps build and maintain a strong sender reputation. This process is essential for anyone looking to achieve consistent email deliverability, especially for marketers and companies whose outreach depends heavily on email communications.

    A solid sender reputation increases the likelihood that ISPs will deliver emails to your recipients’ inboxes rather than spam folders. Warmy.io aids in this by warming up your email addresses, gradually increasing the volume of sent emails, and ensuring they engage positively to establish trust with email service providers.

    Features and Promotions of Warmy.io

    Free Email Deliverability Test

    Before committing to any tools, Warmy.io offers a free email deliverability test that allows users to check where their emails are landing across different email providers. This test provides insights into your email deliverability score, checks for potential blacklisting, and identifies any authentication issues that might be affecting your emails.

    SPF and DMARC Record Generator


    These features are crucial for authenticating your email campaigns and ensuring they align with modern security standards. By generating and implementing proper SPF and DMARC records, users can significantly reduce the risk of their emails being flagged as spam.

    Warmy.io invites users to experience its capabilities first-hand with a 7-day free trial. This period allows users to test and measure performance enhancements without any initial investment, giving a clear picture of how Warmy.io can improve their email strategies.

    To address and resolve issues with email deliverability, take advantage of the tools and features offered by Warmy.io. Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance existing email strategies, Warmy.io provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help. 


    While navigating the complexity of email deliverability with ConvertKit might be difficult, increasing the impact of your email marketing efforts depends on doing so. Understanding the technological difficulties and user habits influencing deliverability helps ConvertKit users to be proactive in making sure their emails regularly find their intended recipients.

    Improving deliverability rates depends mostly on using best practices such keeping clean email lists, optimizing email content, and increasing recipient involvement.

    For individuals who still experience deliverability problems in spite of these initiatives, looking into Warmy.io can be a great start. Warmy.io’s email warm-up tool and set of tools for testing and enhancing email deliverability provide a good way to keep a strong sender reputation and guarantee your audience will view your marketing communications.

    📜 Related article:


    How does ConvertKit manage IP reputation?

    ConvertKit manages IP reputation by using a combination of shared and dedicated IPs, depending on the plan and email volume. They monitor IP health closely and take steps to warm up IPs correctly to maintain good standing with ISPs.

    Can the frequency of my emails affect deliverability with ConvertKit?

    Indeed, sending too many emails too often might set off spam filters and increase unsubscribed rates, both of which might compromise deliverability. Finding a balance in your email frequency can help you to keep your readers interested without overwhelming them.

    Does ConvertKit provide any tools or features to help improve deliverability?

    ConvertKit offers several features to aid deliverability, such as A/B testing for optimizing subject lines and content, detailed deliverability reporting to track performance, and automated resend to unopens to boost engagement.

    What should I do if my ConvertKit emails are going to spam?

    If your emails are consistently landing in spam, review your content for any triggers that might be causing this, ensure your email lists are clean, and check that all technical settings (like SPF and DKIM) are properly configured. You may also contact ConvertKit support for a more detailed analysis and assistance.

    Can using an email warm-up tool like Warmy.io help with my ConvertKit deliverability?

    Yes, using an email warm-up tool like Warmy.io can significantly improve your sender reputation by gradually increasing the volume of sent emails and ensuring positive engagement. This is beneficial for maintaining a good sender score, which directly influences deliverability in ConvertKit and other platforms.

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