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Amazon SES Deliverability: Best Practices and Tools

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    One very important factor in email marketing that greatly affects how successful your campaigns are is email deliverability. Popular cloud-based email sending service Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is made to enable companies send transactional, marketing, and notification emails. Even with a technology this potent, deliverability rates present problems for many users.

    We will go far into the world of Amazon SES in this post to find out why you might be having low deliverability. We’ll talk about how deliverability is calculated, typical mistakes that can be lowering your rates, and unanticipated causes of large performance declines. Our mission is to provide you the information and resources need to make sure your emails not only get into the inbox but also successfully engage your readers. Let’s go right to finding out how to maximize the effect of your email marketing!

    About Amazon SES

    Amazon SeS deliverability

    Launched by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in early 2011, Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) was originally intended to give developers a very scalable and affordable way to include email capabilities into their applications. Providing strong email sending capabilities, Amazon SES has grown over time to serve both developers and big businesses.

    Scalability of Amazon SES is one of its main advantages. It can manage the email needs of companies of all sizes, from start-ups sending their first few emails to large companies sending millions per day. With so many email delivery options—SMTP, an API, or straight through the AWS Management Console—Amazon SES is renowned for its flexibility as well.

    A significant advantage of using Amazon SES is its focus on deliverability. The service provides tools to monitor and manage sender reputation, crucial for maintaining high deliverability rates. This includes offering feedback loops, options for dedicated IP addresses, and access to a comprehensive deliverability dashboard.

    The benefits of using Amazon SES are clear. It enables enhanced communication capabilities, from transactional to promotional emails, ensuring that businesses can effectively reach their customers. With its emphasis on security, compliance with international standards, and support for multiple email character sets, Amazon SES also ensures that messages are not only delivered securely but can also reach a global audience with localized content.

    Understanding email deliverability

    In the field of email marketing, email deliverability is an important indicator that describes how well an email gets into the mailbox of its intended receiver. This rate considers not just whether an email was sent but also whether it ended up in the inbox, was diverted to the spam bin, or bounced back completely.

    Though there’s a clear distinction, the deliverability rate and delivery rate are sometimes misconstrued. The deliverability rate goes one step further and concentrates on the emails that really make it to the inbox; the delivery rate calculates the proportion of emails that didn’t bounce and were accepted by the recipient’s email servers. High deliverability guarantees that an email not only gets to the server but also makes it past filters and obstacles to the recipient’s inbox.

    One cannot stress enough how important email deliverability is to email marketing. Your prospects of interaction and possible conversions and income fall precipitously if your emails are not getting into the inbox.

    Getting your emails into the inbox instead of getting lost in the spam folder or blocked completely is essential in the digital marketing world of today, when customers are inundated with emails every day.

    Related – Factors that Affect Email Deliverability

    Measuring Deliverability Metrics

    To determine how well their emails are getting into the inboxes of their audience, companies must analyze email deliverability, and Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) takes a thorough approach. Detailed stats from the service support problem diagnosis and email strategy optimization.

    Using a number of integrated feedback mechanisms and analytics tools, Amazon SES gauges delivery rates. These programs monitor email handling after they are sent and offer information about several facets of the email lifecycle. These metrics are available to SES users via the Amazon SES console or can be broadcast to Amazon CloudWatch for further in-depth monitoring and the setting of alarms on particular metrics.

    Key Metrics Used in Amazon SES

    Bounce Rate. The proportion of emails sent that were not delivered to the recipient’s mail server is known as the bounce rate. “Hard” bounces – those brought on by long-term problems like incorrect addresses – and “soft” bounces – those brought on by transient issues like an overflowing inbox – are the two categories of bounces.

    ✅ Open Rate. While they have long been used to measure how engaged an email campaign is, open rates are not always a good sign of deliverability. Their measurement of recipient email opening frequency indirectly aids in determining whether emails are getting into the inbox.

    Complaints of Spam. This gauges how often receivers flag an email as spam. Deliverability rates of a sender can be impacted by high spam complaint rates. Because Amazon SES offers feedback loops with the big ISPs, senders can take remedial action if their emails are flagged as spam.

    Rejection Rate. Amazon SES monitors how many emails receivers’ email servers reject because of security or content policies, such DMARC rules or dubious attachments.

    ✅ Delivery Attempts. This statistic displays all of the emails Amazon SES has tried to send on behalf of the user. Tracking general activity and seeing patterns or problems in email campaigns are much easier with it.

    Accuracy and Reliability of Metrics in Amazon SES

    Reliability of deliverability indicators offered by systems like Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is essential to strategic decision-making in the intricate field of email marketing. Though these indicators are quite helpful for evaluating and improving email campaigns, there are several restrictions and difficulties that can compromise their precision and dependability.

    Deliverability Metric Reliability

    Many metrics are available in Amazon SES that shed light on different facets of email deliverability and interaction. These measurements—bounce rates, spam complaints, delivery attempts—are often accurate in pointing out urgent and doable problems with email campaigns. To guarantee as accurate data as possible, Amazon SES logs every email exchange in great detail and uses a strong infrastructure. But interpreting these numbers calls for a sophisticated knowledge of the dynamics of email marketing and the outside variables that could affect them.

    Challenges in Measuring Open Rates

    👉 Use of Email Clients and Privacy Settings. The reliance on the recipient’s email client and privacy settings is one of the main obstacles to precisely calculating open rates. Images are either preloaded or blocked by default in many contemporary email clients, such as Apple Mail, which distorts the conventional approach of tracking openings through hidden pixels. Underreporting or overreporting of open rates as a result of this adjustment can impact how effective and deliverable an email campaign is seen to be.

    👉 Effect on Deliverability Perceptions. Because a low open rate may suggest that emails are not getting to the inbox, open rates have frequently been employed as a proxy for deliverability. But deliverability and this measure don’t always line up. An email might, for instance, arrive in an inbox but be ignored because of the sender’s reputation or unattractive subject line. On the other hand, because spam folders might also log opens, a high open rate does not ensure that every delivered email reaches the inbox.

     👉Privacy Laws and Regulations. Stricter privacy measures being implemented by more users and email providers in response to growing privacy concerns and regulations like GDPR and CCPA are making open monitoring even more difficult. Because these rules may make it more difficult for marketers to precisely monitor opens, the market is being forced to seek for more trustworthy analytics like deliverability and engagement indicators.

    Considering these difficulties, companies utilizing Amazon SES should concentrate on a wider range of KPIs to more precisely assess the deliverability and success of their email campaign. Click-through and conversion rates as well as in-depth comments from bounce and complaint reports can give a more complete picture of email performance and are less prone to the variations and restrictions that impact open rates. Better data interpretation by marketers, together with better email advertising plans, results from knowing the limits of each measure.

    Common issues affecting deliverability

    Email deliverability can be greatly impacted by a number of things, many of which can be controlled with the appropriate procedures and resources like Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES). Maintaining high deliverability rates and making sure your emails reach your recipients successfully need an awareness of and capacity to resolve these typical problems.

    1. Spam Filters

    While they shield consumers from unsolicited emails, spam filters may unintentionally prevent important correspondence. Using the sender’s reputation, engagement history, and content as criteria, these filters assess emails. For users using Amazon SES, keeping a balanced content structure and avoiding triggers like too sales-oriented language are critical.

    Related – How to bypass spam filters?

    2. Bad List Management

    Deliverability is immediately impacted by the caliber of your email list. Your reputation suffers as bounce rates rise from outdated or inaccurate email addresses. For Amazon SES users to avoid penalties like throttled sending speeds, regular list maintenance – such eliminating inactive subscribers and making unsubscription easy – is essential.

    3. Content Issues

    Deliverability of your emails is mostly dependent on their content. Emails using flagged terms or that appear spammy can be automatically classified as such. Regarding subject lines and body content, Amazon SES users should adhere to best practices, which include avoiding dubious language and making sure emails are mobile-friendly.

    Read also – Useful email content. Examples.

    4. Authentication Failures

    SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are examples of email authentication techniques that help confirm sender identity and increase email server trust. Especially for Amazon SES users using custom sending domains, improper setup of these procedures might result in emails being rejected or classified as spam.

    Related – Mastering SPF and DKIM Setup for Amazon SES: A Comprehensive Guide

    5. Frequency and Volume of Emails

    Sending a lot of emails or too often can cause deliverability problems and set off spam filters. Customers of Amazon SES must control the frequency and volume of their emails to prevent overloading receivers and to preserve a steady sending reputation.

    Read more – Email warm-up | All You Need to Know

    6. Changes in Email Infrastructure

    Deliverability may momentarily be impacted by any major changes in email infrastructure, such changing domain setups or email service providers. Users of Amazon SES should keep a close eye on their metrics following such modifications to quickly resolve any deliverability concerns.

    7. IP Address Reputation

    Deliverability can be considerably influenced by the IP address from which emails are delivered. Perhaps the IP is on a blacklist if it is new or was previously used for spam. Users using Amazon SES, particularly those on shared IP plans, should monitor their IP reputation and, for greater control, think about dedicated IPs.

    Related – How to check IP reputation? IP blacklists

    Causes of Sudden Drops in Deliverability

    Deliverability of even carefully managed email campaigns can suddenly decline. These drops may be brought on by a number of things, which have a big impact on Amazon SES users:

    1. Spam Traps. To catch spammers, organisations and blacklist operators set up email addresses known as spam traps. A spam trap indicates that the sender is either unethical in obtaining email addresses or is utilizing bad list management techniques. Senders can get blacklisted and their reputation seriously damaged by sending to a spam trap.
    2. Blacklisting. An IP address or domain may lose a great deal of deliverability if it has been found to be a spam source. If other users using the same IP cause their shared IP addresses to be banned, Amazon SES users may notice that their deliverability is impacted. To stay off blacklists, one must keep up with email sending best practices and monitor blacklists.
    3. Unusual Changes in Email traffic. Particularly if the shift is noteworthy and unusual, an unexpected rise in email traffic can alert ISPs and set off spam filters. Sending patterns that are constant, volume increases gradually or email warm up with tools like Warmy.io can assist Amazon SES users avoid deliverability problems brought on by volume spikes.

    Technical Configuration Checks

    Maintaining the following technical settings is essential to enhancing email deliverability across multiple platforms, including Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES):

    • Check that your DNS settings successfully publish your SPF record (Sender Policy Framework). This facilitates email servers’ verification that your emails originate from reliable sources.
    • Check that DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures are correctly set up. By digitally signing your email headers, you enable receiving servers to confirm that the content hasn’t been altered.
    • Configure a DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policy to dictate how your domain responds to emails that do not pass DKIM or SPF tests. Feedback on emails rejected or classified as spam is also facilitated by this.
    • Configure your own domain to send emails instead of using a generic “@isp” address. Both deliverability and credibility are increased by this.
    • Verify that your IP addresses have reverse DNS (PTR records) configured so that receiving email servers can match the IP address that is sending the email to your domain.
    • TLS (Transport Layer Security). Encrypt emails while they are in route to offer security and boost ISP trust.
    • Email Content Filters. To prevent adding material or coding techniques that could set off spam filters, update and adjust your content filters on a regular basis.
    • IP Warm-up Schedule. To establish good sending reputation, if utilizing a new IP address, progressively send more emails.
    • Practices for List Hygiene. To lower bounce rates and eliminate invalid or non-responsive email addresses, regularly clean your list.

    Maintaining and enhancing email deliverability requires certain technical checks to make sure that your communications successfully reach the people you want them to.

    warmy dashboard

    An inventive service called Warmy.io helps companies of all sizes improve their email deliverability. It offers a number of tools meant to help you track and improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns, so that your communications not only get to their target recipients but also successfully engage them.

    Many of the tools available on Warmy.io assist in resolving typical deliverability problems. These comprise particular tools for enhancing sender reputation, automatic feedback for campaign optimization, and real-time analytics to monitor email performance. The emphasis Warmy.io places on security and compliance guarantees that your email campaigns follow the most recent rules and regulations, which improves deliverability overall.

    Warmy.io provides a 7-day free trial that allows users to experience its comprehensive feature set without any initial investment. During this trial, users can:

    • Monitor and analyze their email deliverability rates.
    • Test different email templates and strategies to see what yields the best results.
    • Get detailed reports and suggestions for improving their email campaigns.

    This trial period is an excellent opportunity for users to gauge the effectiveness of Warmy.io in real-world scenarios and to make informed decisions about incorporating it into their long-term email strategy.

    email spam test

    SPF and DMARC Record Generator

    SPF generator

    By assisting users in correctly configuring these essential email authentication techniques, SPF and DMARC Record Generator lowers the possibility that emails may be classified as spam.

    This tool gives users the ability to determine if their emails will likely get past popular spam filters and offers useful information to modify emails for better inbox placement.

    email template checker

    Verifies if your email templates are deliverable and engaging by looking for problems that could set off spam filters.

    Free Cold Email Sequence Builder

    The free Cold Email Sequence Builder helps customers build successful cold email campaigns that follow deliverability and conversion rate best practices.

    Every one of these solutions can be quite helpful in maximizing your email marketing efforts because it is made to deal with particular facets of email deliverability. Businesses may greatly increase the chance that their emails will reach their target demographic and hence increase the general engagement and efficacy of their email marketing by using Warmy.io and its suite of tools. To explore these tools and begin your free trial, go to Warmy.io.


    In our exploration of Amazon SES deliverability, we’ve highlighted the critical elements that determine whether emails reach inboxes or get sidelined to spam folders. Proper list management, strategic content creation, and robust technical configurations like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are essential for optimal email deliverability. Addressing issues such as spam filters, incorrect content, and IP reputation is crucial to prevent sudden drops in deliverability and ensure your emails make the intended impact.

    To effectively manage these challenges, consider using Warmy.io, a tool designed to enhance and monitor email deliverability. With its comprehensive suite of features, including SPF and DMARC Record Generators, email deliverability tests, and email template checkers, Warmy.io equips you to improve your email campaigns significantly.

    Take the opportunity to test these tools with Warmy.io’s 7-day free trial. 

    📜 Related article:


    What is Amazon SES?

    Developed to assist developers and marketers in sending highly deliverable notifications, transactional emails, and marketing messages, Amazon SES is a cloud-based email sending service.

    What factors affect email deliverability in Amazon SES?

    Deliverability can be affected by a number of things, including the caliber of your email content, the orderliness of your email list, sender reputation, technical configurations like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, and your follow of email sending best practices.

    How can I improve my sender reputation on Amazon SES?

    Make sure you're providing engaging users high-quality material, minimizing bounce rates, avoiding spam traps, updating your email lists often, and answering feedback loops to enhance your sender reputation.

    Why are my emails going to spam in Amazon SES?

    Emails may be going to spam in Amazon SES for a variety of reasons, including bad sender reputation, running into spam traps, not engaging recipients, having the spam filter set incorrectly, or not following authentication procedures.

    6. What is the difference between delivery and deliverability?

    Delivery is the state of whether an email has arrived at the recipient's mail server. Conversely, deliverability is the degree to which an email reaches the inbox rather than the spam bin.

    How can I test email deliverability before sending with Amazon SES?

    You can use tools like Warmy.io to conduct deliverability tests. These tools help simulate sending processes and provide insights on potential deliverability issues before you launch a full campaign.

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